Pizza, Extra Terrestrial (#61)
Our next film was one that I had been looking forward to for a long time, E.T. Because Halloween plays a big part in the movie, I was always planning to watch it on an October event. This film starts with a group of kids ordering a pizza, so that became the obvious choice for dinner. Rather than order out, we decided to do something more fun. I prepared pizza dough, sauce, and cheese while all the guests brought their favorite pizza toppings. We each made our own personal pizza. The whole process ended up being a lot of fun.
For dessert, I wanted to highlight Reese's Pieces. Rather than just eat a bowl of candy, we had Reese's Pieces cookies. A guest made them, so I don't have the recipe she used, but she told me that she just used a chocolate chip cookie recipe and substituted out the chips for the Reese's Pieces. They were delicious and definitely something that I would recommend.
Overall, I would say this was a very successful event. Lots of fun, good food, and a good turnout.
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