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Patty Cake With Roger Rabbit (#92)

This month's movie was Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a PG Disney film from 1988 with some pretty adult themes of infidelity, alcoholism, and murder that probably wouldn't fly in a modern PG Disney film. This was a film that I had seen and loved as a child, but it definitely hits different as an adult. For dinner, I decided to lean into the theme of "Patty Cake." I did some research online to see if patty cake was a real thing. What I discovered is that the nursery rhyme was not based on a particular food item, but rather on an old process of making bread. Apparently back in the day, a town or community might have a large communal oven rather than every household having their own. So, as different families were baking their bread, they would mark their loaf to identify it from the others. They might do this with a symbol or with their initial. Since patty cake does not appear to be a real food item, I decided to invent my own. As I think about the nursery rhyme, the identif

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