Airplane Food! (#54)
The next film on our list was Airplane! This film is a classic parody, so for our music, I created a Spotify playlist of parody songs.
In this movie, the flight crew hands out meals of either steak or fish, so I was very tempted to used that for our dinner, but then I remembered a classic line where given the option of steak or fish, the doctor chose lasagna. For that reason, I chose to make lasagna our main course. Really, any of the three would have worked, but I choose lasagna as a homage to the joke. For dessert, I copied another food item found in the film, the erotic looking wiggly jello. I made that by making a cherry jello mixture and pouring it into bowls which I had lightly greased. Once cooled, I flipped the jellos over onto plate and topped with a ring of pineapple and a maraschino cherry in the middle.
Overall, the food and film worked well together. I wasn't sure how welcome my wiggly jellos were going to be. Mostly they were either ignored or got a laugh. No one seemed uncomfortable by it.
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